Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Chapter 1 questions

Who is pony boy? Who do we learn about in chp.1

  Ponyboy is the little brother of Darry and Sodapop. In chapter 1 we learn about Darry, Sodapop, Ponyboy, Jhonny, Steve , Sandy and Sylvia.

Story elements:    
In the start of the book Ponyboy is walking home alone from the movies. We'll he's walking home he gets jumped by some socs. The setting in chapter one is the west side, where all the greasers live; the west side isn't exactly the nice side of town.The mood of the book is tense and there's lots of fighting ; but there is also friendship and the gang sticks up for each other. The theme of the book is the mainly about the two types of stereotypes, the socs and the greasers and the relationship between the two groups. 

What has the book taught us at this point?

The book has taught us about the two different groups the socs and the greasers. It also taught us about the greaser gang and how they're almost like family. It also teaches us how different some of them are. Like Ponyboy he doesn't really fit in with the rest of the group. He's really smart, likes to watch movies, read and he's not that into girls or cars.
What is the setting of the book telling us? 

The setting of the book tells us about the two groups the socs and the greasers and how each group is different. The greaser live in a poor part of town that isn't that nice. The however live on the nicer side of town, they have nice clothes and cars, unlike the greasers. The setting also tells us there's lots of conflict between the two.

What are two differences between the 1960's and 2014?

One difference between the 1960's and 2014 is that no one's allowed to carry around switch blades anymore. Another difference is that the cars are a lot different.

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