Friday, 21 November 2014

Mikayla's and Theresa's paragraph

There was many moral of the story, but the main moral was how your social status doesn't define how you are. For example in the beginning of the book,PonyBoy was ashamed of being a greaser and he didn't want to share who he was and he was afraid that his friends would laugh at him.  Towards the middle of the book he started to realize who he was and started to open up. For example he made a friend even though she was a socs and he was a greaser. Despite the conflict between the two groups they managed to overcome it and be friends. Near the end he finally realized that it doesn't matter what they think of you and what friendship truly is. Like when the brothers, (Darry, SodaPop and PonyBoy) learnt to accept each other despite the differences in personality. In the end the whole moral of the story is who you are in the inside not what you are "labeled". Just because someone says your a "cool", nerd or jock or any other stereo type doesn't mean that that's who you have to be. Just be who you are and people will accept you.

Wednesday, 19 November 2014

The Outsiders: Moral of the story

IThere were many different morals in the story.One was even when everyone says you can't be friends and that your social group hates the other, doesn't mean you can't get along.A good sample of this is Cherry and Pony. She was a Soc and he was a greaser. Despite the stereotype people gave the two groups, and how they never got along, Cherry and Pony over came it.I also think that a big lesson is that you social status doesn't necessarily define who you are. Just because someone classifies you under a certain status doesn't mean you have to fit in it. An example of this is Ponyboy. Even though he was a greaser, he didn't fit the typical description of a greaser. Unlike how other people saw them,greasy,unintelligent,rude rowdy,loud, Ponyboy was different. Ponyboy liked watching sunsets and got good grades in school, and he could never hurt anyone.the outsiders taught a really great lesson, that stereotypes don't define you. Just because someone says your a "cool", nerd or jock or any other stereo type doesn't mean that that's who you have to be. Just be who you are and people will accept you.

Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Chapter 12 questions

1.  What 'circumstances' do Ponyboy's teacher refer to?  What circumstances does Ponyboy think his teacher is referring to? 
I think that the teacher thinks circumstances are him getting judged by the socs because he's a greaser. Pony thinks he's referring to Johnny dying and all the stuff that happend that was in the news paper.
2.   Why doesn't Ponyboy feel scared when the socs approach him and he threatens them with a broken bottle (p.170-171)? How is this a dramatic change from the ponyboy we have seen up until this point? 
He wasn't scared because he was sick and tired of them picking on them, he was just fed up. This is different from Pony before because he would've never done that before.
3.  What does Darry mean when he says, "you don't just stop living because you lose someone" (p.173)? 
It means even though you lose someone your life around you does t stop you have to keep going and move on with your life and grieve at the same time.
4.  How do we know Sandy didn't love Soda as much as he loved her? 
Because Sandy returned Soda's note unread and didn't want to marry soda. She also moved to Florida.
5.  Explain how Darry and Ponyboy play tug of war with Soda. 
Darry and Ponyboy always fight and then try to get soda to pick a side. Soda feels like they play "tug of war" with him because of this and he doesn't want to pick a side.
6.  What do we learn was so special about Johnny (p.178)? 

7.  What does Ponyboy end up doing for his English assignment?
Ponyboy ends up writing about all the events that have recently happend in his life. Ponyboy wrote the outsiders.

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Chapter 10 questions

Vocabulary - indignantly p.159
feeling, characterized by, or expressing strong displeasure at something considered unjust, offensive, insulting, or base: 
“Soda looked back at him indignantly”

1.  How does Pony's dreaming, or lying to himself, finally work in this chapter? 
Pony's daydreaming finally works when he convinces himself that Jhonny's not dead.
2.  Why was Johnny's dying so difficult for Dally to handle? 
Because Johnny was like to him and he looked up to Dally;he was his hero.It was hard for him because he was so proud of Johnny.
3.  Why do you think Dally would have wanted to die?
Because he felt like nothing was worth living for without Dally.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Chapter 9 questions

1.  On the bottom of p.132,when Pony asks what kind of a world it is, what comment is he making about how society judges people? 
He's saying that people comment and judge on how you look. If you look grubby you must be a hood a bad person. If u look nice and clean shaven you must be a good person.
2.  Why do the boys fight?  Why is Pony different? 
The boys fight for contest,to show off,  for pride. Ponyboy was different cause he fought only for what he believed in.
3.  What is the difference between Tim Sheppard's gang and Ponyboy's?  Explain how Pony feels this difference might give his group the upper hand? 
The difference between the two is Tim shepards group has a leader and there's doesn't. Ponyboy feels they have the upper hand cause they all support eachother and work as a team.
4.  What do you think Johnny's last words to Pony mean?
I think it means to stay the way he is and I think he was implying about the Robert frost poem that talks about nothing good ever lasting. He wants Ponyboy to always stay gold.

Chapter 8 questions

1.  How does what the doctor first says, on page 119, foreshadow Johnny's condition? 
I think when the doctor says that it can't hurt, he's foreshadowing that Jhonny is in bad condition and doesn't have a good chance, so it wouldn't her for them to see him.
2.  "We needed Johnny as much as he needed the gang.  And for the same reason" (p.121).  What do you think Pony means, and what is the reason? 
I think he means that the gang needed Jhonny. Jhonny like Ponyboy has said there pet and they all got along with him. I think that Jhonny was a nice easy to get along with person that understood everyone that's why they all needed him.
 3.  What does Pony mean on p. 123 when he says, "we could get along without anyone but Johnny"? 
Ponyboy is saying that they could all go along with their lives just fine if Jhonny was the only friend they had.
4.  If Darry didn't have Soda and Pony, why would he be a soc? 
He would be a Soc because he was really smart, and strong and had a lot of money.
5.  What does Cherry mean when she says Bob "wasn't just anyone" on p.129?
When she said this she said that Bob had another side to him when he wasn't drunk. She said that something about him almost made it seem like he was above the crowd and something that made people follow him.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Chapter 7 questions

1.Explain what Ponyboy means when he says Soda "reminds me of a colt"p101
He means that he likes to get his nose into things.
2.What condition is Jhonny in after the fire.
Jhonny is in critical condition and has a broken back.
3.Why would it be worse for Jhonny to be cripple than anyone else?
Because Jhonny is like the gangs pet.
4."Maybe people are younger when they are asleep"(p104)what do you think about this comment?
I don't think this comment makes any sense because every second,minute.hour day year you get older not younger.
5.what is a juvenile delinquent?pg107find a definition on the Internet,in a dictionary or create your own definition based knowledge.
A juvenile delinquent is a person who is underage of 18 that has committed a crime.
6.Why would Two-Bit think Jhonny,Dally, were hero's all along; before they saved the kids.
I think he thinks they were heroes all along because they would've of done that not matter what the situation. 
7.What was Bobs real problem according to Randy?
The problem was that Bob was never disciplined and was never told no.
8.  Why did Pony think it was better to see socs as "just guys" on p. 118?  What do you think he means by this?
He said this because randy just talked to him like anybody else. I think he means that he just want s the fighting to stop.